
Frequently Asked Questions for Job Search Services

Here are frequently asked questions for Job Search Services, please feel free to contact us from the link given in the service page.

OWCareers offer various job search services for professionals. These include Virtual Assistants for Job Search, CV Distribution, LinkedIn Profile Updates, Professional CVs and Cover Letters.
It is a service that we devised exclusively for professionals to support in their job search. It is very different from Upwork or Fiverr as we provide very detailed assignment planning, execution, reporting and quality controls. Please visit relevant pages to learn more.
Yes, you will get complete reporting for the work done by freelancers including job titles applied, company name (if given), job-page url where applied, task performed and time of application or task performed.
Yes, trial is available for Aspiring and C-Level Packages. It is a paid trial for 14 days (two weeks). For pricing, please visit respective service pages.
Registration Fee is non-refundable.
There is a lot of difference between OWCareers and other job portals. For other job portals, the main focus is publishing jobs and providing recruitment services. But OWCareers is built around helping job seekers in finding better opportunities, and offering premium job search support services.
No, OWCareers virtual assistants work on shared basis. On daily, we spend 1 to 2 hours for each client. Our freelancers work 5 days a week. And have two official holidays every month, in addition to gazetted holidays.
Yes, you can hire dedicated freelancer for your job applications, please contact our support to learn more about the pricing and other conditions. But it is important to understand that there are not many job opportunities in the market so it is not very efficient for hire full time virtual assistants.
Yes, for Virtual Assistance, we charge a success fee to motivate our freelancers to work even harder for your success rather than just recording hours.
Yes, we do offer recruitment services but we don't refer our Virtual Assistant clients to companies who have hired us for recruitment, without disclosing that we have charged the job seeker. The objective is to avoid any conflict of interest that may arise. Please don't expect us to refer you personally to any employer, we abide by our code of ethics, generally acceptable rules of business, guidelines issued by authorities, rules and regulations enforced by regulators.
We are client service obsessed company and care deeply about clients' needs and their success. The number of clients who opt to register after trial is exremely high and clients who come back to us after couple of years is also very high. Please visit our social media pages for clients' feedback.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to talk to our consultants at https://wa.me/00923084252526?text=Hi%20OWCareers%2C%20I%20would%20like%20to%20inquire%20about%20OWCareers%20Permium%20Job%20Search%20services.
Please dont share any confidential information. We take eveyr step possible to ensure that freelancers are reasonable and responsible and request clients to ensure the the passords of the accounts shared should not be match with any other password of your account any where else. However, OWCarees does not accept any responsibilty for the misuse, if any breach happens.
Clients can communicate with freelancers through email and through their account manager.
OWCareers accepts Paypal and Bank Transfers.
OWCareers may request evidence or documentation from both the VA client and virtual assistant to support their claims or clarify the situation. This could include communication records, task instructions, project guidelines, or any other relevant information that helps understand the nature of the dispute. We may conduct an investigation into the dispute, taking into account the evidence and information provided by both parties. They may evaluate the situation impartially, considering the platform's policies and terms of service, as well as any applicable laws or regulations. Please bear in mind that making less relevant applications and creating profiles not complete in every aspect are not matters of disputes and our liability is limited to completing those profiles. For any days, not worked by freelancers, we are limited to working for the skipped days beyond the term of service. We strictly advise to keep your passowrd different from your own accounts and share the information that is not classified or confidential. We accept no responsibility in this regard.
Virtual Assistant contract terminates in either of the following three scenarios: 1. The term of engagement expires, which is typically three months after making the first application. 2. If the client accepts a job offer, the service contact is considered terminated. and OWCareers Virtual Assistants stops working on the assignment. 3. If client is not happy with the service, he can give a notice in writing with reason of termination and our virtual assistants will stop working on the assignment. Please bear in mind, even if the contact is terminated, the success fee will be payable if the client accepts the job offer from the applications made through our applications whether solicited or unsolicited.
Remember that effective communication, clear expectations, regular feedback, and a supportive work environment are key to ensuring that your virtual assistant meets your expectations and performs at their best.
Keep track of your virtual assistant's performance and productivity. Monitor their output, timeliness, and the quality of their work. Use time-tracking tools or project management software to assess their productivity levels objectively. Assess if they are meeting your expectations and if there are any areas for improvement. If necessary, provide additional training, adjust responsibilities, or make changes to optimize their performance.
Clearly communicate your expectations, instructions, and deadlines to your virtual assistant. Ambiguity or vague instructions can lead to misunderstandings and errors. Be very clear about the target job titles and location. OWCareers virtual assistants can not work for every where and can not apply for every title. Be very specific. While it's important to provide guidance and instructions, avoid micromanaging your virtual assistant. Trust their abilities and give them the autonomy to complete tasks in their own way, as long as they meet the desired outcomes. Regularly provide constructive feedback to your virtual assistant. Let them know when they are doing well and offer suggestions for improvement when necessary. This helps them understand your preferences and enhances their performance. Virtual assistants can come from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Be mindful of these differences and avoid making assumptions or generalizations. Respect and value their perspectives and work styles. Regular check the reports from the system and review the work done by freelancers. Communicate any concerns to the account manager. This helps maintain alignment and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Normally multiple virtual assistants work on one assignment, we encourage only to communicate through your account manager.
Yes, success fee will be payable, even if the job title or employer does not match. If the opportunity originated due to our work, success fee will be payable.